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1AQIDAH: ALLAH DIDAHULUKAN, RASULULLAH DIUTAMAKAN..... "Terimalah sedikit kesusahan dun

Saturday 23 May 2015

Chedet 1723 - Tunai Ke Unit Najib Satu Cover-up Berunsur Jenayah ! ?

Chedet 1723 - Tunai Ke Unit Najib Satu Cover-up Berunsur Jenayah ! ?

Sunday, May 24, 20153comments

Seperti kita juga, rupanya Tun Mahathir ikut teruja dengan lawak yang dilakonkan oleh Menteri Kewangan baru ni yang buat kluk klek, ikut sukahati dia je buat pindaan, dalam isu Wang Tunai ke Aset ke Unit ( KLiK ).

Tapi Tun lagi hebat reaksinya, direct tuduh ada udang sebalik batu ! 

8 - Tujuan merahsiakan tentulah kerana ada sesuatu yang tidak kena atau pembohongan yang telah dilakukan apabila Najib menjawab soalan bahawa wang tunai telah disimpan dengan bank BSI di Singapura.

9 - Perbuatan “cover-up” atau menyembunyi kesalahan dalam urusan Kerajaan adalah salah di segi undang-undang.

Perbuatan Jenayah di bawah Seksyen 218, Denda dan Penjara 3 TahunKerja Berat ! 

Duit asal buat JV dengan Petro Saudi sejak dibawa keluar dari negara kita, nampaknya dah tak nampak bayang dah ...... Sebutlah pelaburan itu bawa untung berapa ratus billion sekalipun, yang nyata.... semuanya dah lesap ! Ooooops, silap... yang nyata semuanya dah tidak lagi dalam bentuk tunai.

Dan pembaca DT 99% bersama Tun Mahathir dalam isu ini !

Hanya 23 orang atau 1% dari jumlah 1374 pengundi dalam Poll yang saya buat mengatakan mereka Percaya bahawa apa yang berlaku adalah satu Kesilapan Tafsiran.

Yang lain semua Tidak Percaya langsung kepada alasan Najib dan Kementerian Kewangan. Ramai yang turut menganggapnya sebagai Lawak dan tidak kurang juga yang menganggapnya sebagai satu Penipuan.


1. Amatlah menyedihkan apabila saya dapati saya tidak dapat elak dari kenyataan bahawa Perdana Menteri membohong . Dalam kes wang 1MDB yang dikatakan telah dibawa balik dari Cayman Islands dan disimpan dalam bank BSI Singapura, jawapan tertulis oleh Perdana Menteri kepada soalan Parlimen tidak menepati kebenaran sama sekali.

2. Pembohongan yang pertama ialah tidak ada wang tunai 1MDB yang dibawa balik.

3. Kedua, tidak ada wang tunai yang dimasukkan ke dalam bank BSI di Singapura.

4. Ini jelas dari pindaan kepada jawapan yang pertama, iaitu bukan wang tunai berjumlah USD 1.103 billion (RM3.6 billion), dimasuk dalam bank BSI tetapi dokumen (surat pengakuan) yang disimpan dengan bank. Apa dia nya surat ini tidak dijelas tetapi yang jelas ialah ia bukan wang tunai.

5. BSI bank telah menyatakan selepas itu bahawa dokumen yang menyatakan simpanan dibuat oleh “Brazen Sky” anak syarikat 1MDB adalah palsu dan bukan daripadanya. Maka jelaslah kenyataan bertulis yang kedua oleh Najib kepada Parlimen bahawa yang disimpan adalah dokumen juga tidak benar.

6. BSI bank telah lapur kepada Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS – Penguasa Kewangan Singapura) bahawa tidak ada wang 1MDB yang disimpan dengannya.

7. Pada kebiasaannya MAS melapur maklumat ini kepada Bank Negara. Ini jelas dari pengakuan bahawa kononnya lapuran ini tertakluk kepada protokol kerahsiaan antarabangsa (Egmont principles of information exchange) dan kehendak kerahsiaan di bawah seksyen 10 AMLA. Dari kenyataan ini adalah jelas bahawa Bank Negara telah terima lapuran Monetary Authority Singapore.

8. Tujuan merahsiakan tentulah kerana ada sesuatu yang tidak kena atau pembohongan yang telah dilakukan apabila Najib menjawab soalan bahawa wang tunai telah disimpan dengan bank BSI di Singapura.

9. Perbuatan “cover-up” atau menyembunyi kesalahan dalam urusan Kerajaan adalah salah di segi undang-undang.

10. Saya perturun di sini peruntukan dalam Malaysia Penal Code (Undang-undang Jenayah Malaysia) Section 218.

11. “Whoever being a public servant, and being as such public servant, charged with the preparation of any record or other writing, frames that record or writing in a manner which he knows to be incorrect, with intent to cause, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby cause, loss or injury to the public, or to any person, or with intent thereby to save, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby save any person from legal punishment, or with intent to save, or knowing that he is likely thereby to save any property from forfeiture or other charge to which it is liable by law, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine or with both.”

12. Adalah jelas bahawa dalam kes wang tunai yang didakwa oleh Perdana Menteri dan pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan, Bank Negara dan 1MDB telah dibawa balik dari Caymans Islands dan disimpan di BSI bank di Singapura serta pindaan kepada jawapan pertama bahawa bukan wang tunai yang dibawa balik dan disimpan di Singapura, tetapi dokumen, kesemuanya tidak benar. Mereka yang membuat lapuran yang salah ini telah melanggar undang-undang jenayah Seksyen 218.

13. Perkara yang amat serius sedang berlaku. Wang syarikat milik Kerajaan yang dihutang dengan jaminan Kerajaan sebanyak tujuh billion (tujuh ribu million) Ringgit sudah tidak dapat dikesan di mana ia berada dan percubaan dibuat untuk membohongi Parlimen dan Negara berkenaan dengannya. Ada unsur jenayah berkenaan kes ini yang memerlukan siasatan oleh polis dan jika wang ini tidak juga dapat dikesan maka proses undang-undang hendaklah diambil terhadap semua pihak yang terlibat.


Berat isu ni ! Sudah beberapa hari berlalu namun Najib dan kerajaan buat bodoh jer, merasakan rakyat Malaysia semua bodoh untuk menerima begitu saja alasan yang diberikan.

Units, Just Units ! Itu pun kerajaan tidak mahu berikan penjelasan lanjut. Setelah apa yang berlaku, sepatutnya berilah penjelasan sikit. Era Kerajaan Lebih Tahu sudah kembali....

Atau kerajaan akan gunakan alasan yang dah lemau - Tunggu Audit !

Kenapa tidak ada sorang pun pemimpin Umno yang bersuara dalam hal ini ? Tidak ada siapakah yang nampak benda pelik yang berlaku didepan mata rakyat ini ?

Jika perkara ini merupakan satu Jenayah apatah lagi dilakukan di Parlimen, tidakkah Umno juga akan terpalit kerana tidak bersuara seolah meRESTUInya ?

Yang Benar Kita Pertahankan, Yang Salah ..... kita buat diam ?

Di bawah adalah artikel yang saya copy dari FMT mengenai isu yang sama, katanya ditulis oleh Matthias Chang, seorang peguam yang pernah jadi Setiausaha Politik Tun Mahathir.

Umno Leaders Complicit in 1MDB Cover-up

Even a child knows what cash is, and when cash is deposited in a bank, the bank statement would reflect the cash deposited in the bank. Any paper or document other than cash cannot be deposited and reflected in a bank statement as cash.

Documents such as share certificates, treasury notes or bonds or other documents that are not considered as money, when deposited in a bank for whatever reason or placed in a fixed deposit box are never ever reflected in a bank statement.

The Minister of Finance, treasury officials and members of the 1MDB board of directors and its advisers are all experienced in finance and cannot by any stretch of the imagination be deemed ignorant of what constitutes cash.

The balance sum amounting to US$1.103 billion is not some chump change and, when converted to Malaysian ringgit, would be more than RM3 billion.

Therefore it is inconceivable that the Prime Minister, who is also the Finance Minister, and senior officials in the Ministry of Finance and Bank Negara do not know the difference between cash deposited in a bank and some “paper assets” to be held by the bank in Singapore, allegedly as custodian.

So when MOF replied to Tony Pua’s queries in March 2015, surely its officials must have checked with the bank in Singapore or examined the relevant documents from 1MDB before confirming that 1MDB had “redeemed its balance of investment from the Cayman Islands in cash and transferred it to BSI Singapore”.

However, MOF has now issued a contradictory statement. A news report said, “The Finance Ministry has corrected its Parliamentary written reply in March that said the US$1.1 billion transferred by 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) from Cayman Islands to Singapore was not in cash.

“According to the latest written reply to Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, the ministry said the money that was “redeemed” was in the form of assets in US dollars.”

We cannot but agree that this is the Malaysian scandal of the century. Heinous and despicable crimes have been committed.


1 - For MOF to have issued the statement in March, forged documents must have been presented to show that cash was in fact deposited. This was corroborated by the current CEO, who said recently that the bank statement reflected that cash was so deposited. But the bank in Singapore has denied that cash had been deposited.

2 - The criminal offence of fraud and forgery is prima facie established and all the relevant personalities concerned with this transaction must be charged and it is for them to offer their defence in a court hearing

3 - When the statement by MOF/Prime Minister was made in Parliament that cash was deposited when it was not true, the august house was misled by a fraudulent misrepresentation. It was a blatant contempt of the house. The entire country was misled. The rakyat was cheated and led to believe a falsehood.

4 - In the past, members of Parliament were suspended for making a mere misrepresentation with no adverse financial consequences to the country. The members were penalised because the misstatement constituted an affront to the integrity of the proceedings of Parliament as well as to Parliament itself.

5 - The Prime Minister cum Financial Minister, being a member of Parliament cannot be deemed ignorant of this fraudulent misrepresentation. Answers to parliamentary questions, whether from backbenchers or the opposition, are vetted before presented in Parliament.

6 - If the cash has been “diverted” or “unaccounted for” there is a basis for a charge of criminal breach of trust by all the relevant personalities involved in the transaction. There may also be elements of corruption.

7 - The period between the March 10 and May 20 announcements in Parliament would by any measure be construed as a period when there was a massive cover-up. And all those personalities involved are accomplices in this cover-up.

The Deputy Prime Minister, the heads of Wanita Umno and Umno Youth and the members of the party’s Supreme Council, have failed to demand answers and to insist on seeing all the relevant documents so as to verify for themselves the truth or falsehood of the allegations brought by all concerned citizens. They should have done so especially after the bank in Singapore had declared the banking documents showing cash was deposited was a forgery. Alarm bells ought to have rung loud and clear, but these leading members of Umno chose to bury their heads in the sand and slavishly declare their so-called undivided support to the Prime Minister.

The Board of 1MDB even had the audacity to threaten to sue any one who dared question its integrity.

Shame on you, Umno.

The Prime Minister must resign and if UMNO leaders do not demand the resignation of the Prime Minister and continue to use their public office to deny this irrefutable confession by the MOF then they are all complicit in this heinous crime.

All the Umno leaders who have accused Tun Mahathir Mohamad of wrongfully criticising the Prime Minister and sounding the alarm bells and raising the red flag of imminent crisis should humbly seek forgiveness not only from him, but from the entire country. The rakyat demands a public apology and the culprits must be charged in court for their crimes.

Only God can save Malaysia.

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